Image #1 Velo Light … The Velodrome is a fantastic sports venue. Its high banked curves and long straight-aways lend well to cycling speed and the opportunity to use off camera Speedlights. I’ve placed a FourSquare with Soft Box and 4 Nikon SB-900 Speedlights each with a Warming Gel behind my cyclist. It is slightly below the Velodrome wall in order to cast a shadow on the track surface for the rider to emerge from, yet illuminate the Olympic Rings logo on the high point of the banked curve. I also placed another FourSquare with 2 SB-900 Speedlights off to the left which illuminated the legs and bicycle with a shaft of side light. Nikon D3s, ISO2000, 1/1000 at f14, Nikon 200-400mm G VR II zoom, WB 6670K, 6 SB-900 Speedlights, 2 FourSquares with Hand Grips mounted to 2 Lightstands, Radio Popper PX system, Michael Bass Design (MBD) Fiber Optic Bundles, Nikon SU-800 Commander.
Image #2 Tunnel Vision … There is a tunnel that goes underneath the main straight-away coming out of turn #4 that allows competitors to access the infield/paddock area of the Velodrome. Athletes begin to arrive about 5:00pm to begin preparing for the evening competitions. Although there is no sunlight on the stairs or in the tunnel at this time of day, I simply placed 4 Speedlights above the stairs to create some dramatic light and interesting shadows. Nikon D3s, ISO2000, 1/500 at f14, Nikon 14-24mm lens, WB 7140K, 4 SB-900 Speedlights, FourSquare with Hand Grip, Radio Popper PX system, MBD Fiber Optic Bundles, Nikon SU-900 Commander.
Image #3 Off the Wall … Here are some athletes warming up for the evening races. These athletes are coming out of turn #4 and are directly over the access tunnel. It’s about 5:45pm and the sun is getting low in the sky which allows me to capture a frame of this athlete with a sun halo around his head. I used 8 SB-900 Speedlights to reveal his face, arms and legs from the dark silhouette. This is a strong example of combining the available ambient light with flash. It is Nikon’s Auto FP High Speed Sync mode that makes a fast shutter sync speed of 1/4000 possible. Nikon D3s, ISO2000, 1/4000 at f20, Nikon 14mm-24mm lens, WB 5880K, 8 SB-900 Speedlights, 2 FourSquare Blocks connected via the Hand Grip to form an EightSquare, Radio Popper PX system, MBD Fiber Optic Bundles, Nikon SU-800 Commander, Gitzo Monopod.
Image #4 Purple Sprocket … With each night of competition beginning at 6:30pm each warm up session usually ended around 6:00pm. Athletes come into the paddock area and begin to fine-tune their bicycles for the evening races. I used this 30 minute time slot to make some detail imagery of the sport like gears and colorful frames. I used 4 Speedlights in a FourSquare with Soft Box to make this seemingly studio image. The FourSquare with Soft Box is easily hand held by my assistant Brad thanks to the optional Hand Grip that attaches to the FourSquare. Nikon D3s, ISO200, 1/250 at f7.1, Nikon 24-70mm lens, WB 4000K, 4 SB-900 Speedlights, FourSquare and Soft Box with Hand Grip, Radio Popper PX system, MBD Fiber Optic Bundles, Nikon SU-800 Commander. |
Image #5A Roller Man set-up … Portraits of athletes are useful to the overall collection of images, so I mounted 2 FourSquares to a single lightstand by using a Manfroto Super Clamp that is secured to the FourSquare Hand Grip. This gives me a 7 foot tall Light Bank that Brad can easily pick up and relocate anywhere in the paddock. Nikon D3s, ISO200, 1/250 at f6.3, Nikon 14-24mm lens, WB 4000K, 8 SB-900 Speedlights each with a Warming Gel, 2 FourSquares, 2 Lightstands, Radio Popper PX system, MBD Fiber Optic Bundles, Nikon SU-800 Commander. |
Image #5B Roller Man … Here is the resulting portrait of this athlete warming up for the first race. The tall light bank creates a studio style of light on my subject while on location. I have drastically underexpose the ambient light of the scene by about -2 stops and then illuminate the athlete using the Moody Blue formula of a cool WB and Warm light thanks to the Nikon Warming Gels placed over each Speedlight. Nikon D3s, ISO200, 1/250 at f6.3, Nikon 14-24mm lens, WB 4000K, 8 SB-900 Speedlights each with a Warming gel, 2 FourSquares, 2 Lightstands, Manfroto Super Clamps, Radio Popper PX system, MBD Fiber Optic Bundles, Nikon SU-800 Commander.
Image #6 Champion Light … On this evening of races I used only 1 FourSquare with Soft Box for this portrait. Its portability and power made it easy to move quickly from athlete to athlete and not distract them from the competitive mode. Here again I used the Moody Blue formula of cool WB and a Warming Gel on each Speedlight. Nikon D3s, ISO200, 1/250 at f7.1, Nikon 24-70mm lens, WB 4000K, 4 SB-900 Speedlights each with a Warming Gel, FourSquare with Hand Grip and Soft Box, Radio Popper system, MBD Fiber Optic Bundles, Nikon SU-800 Commander. |
Image #7 High Point and Velo Knights set-up… During to course of the Velodrome summer season I photographed 7 nights of racing competitions. Each night I would use a different lighting set-up to make the race action images. Here is one set-up using 2 FourSquares with Soft Boxes, each with 4 SB-900 Speedlights. My goal was to create a lit portrait action image during the race competition. By using the Radio Popper PX system I could fire my Speedlights from up close or far down track up to 300 plus feet if necessary. Nikon D3s, ISO2000, 1/1000 at f13, Nikon 14-24mm lens, WB 6670K, 8 SB-900 Speedlights, 2 FourSquares with Soft Boxes 2 Lightstands, Radio Popper PX system, MBD Fiber Optic Bundles, Nikon SU-800 Commander. |
Image #8 High Point … This image is a good example of combining, and nearly matching the available ambient light of the Velodrome with light from my Speedlights. I have underexposed the ambient light by only 1 stop and then added my own light from the FourSquare set-up used in the previous image #7. This gives the image the feel of a “lit” venue when in fact only the near rider and first few leaders of the pack are receiving illumination from my Speedlights. I have created a “Fill Flash.” Nikon D3s, ISO2000, 1/500 at f13, Nikon 14-24mm lens, WB 6670K, 8 SB-900 Speedlights, 2 FourSquare with Soft Boxes, 2 Lightstands, Radio Popper PX system, MBD Fiber Optic Bundles, Nikon SU-800 Commander. |
Image #9 Velo Knights … This image makes use of the same FourSquare set-up but this time I underexposed the available ambient light by 2 and 1/3 stops. The difference in dramatic effect is significant. I might also note that I have relocated my photo position farther down the track and I have changed from a wide angle 14-24mm to a 70-200mm VR II zoom with 1.7x teleconverter. Nikon D3s, ISO2000, 1/1000 at f16, Nikon 70-200mm VR II lens with a TC17E 1.7x teleconverter, WB 7140K, 8 SB-900 Speedlights, 2 FourSquares with Soft Boxes, 2 Lightstands, Radio Popper system, MBD Fiber Optic Bundles, Nikon SU-800 Commander. |
Image #10 Point Racers … During this Amateur Points race the sky was blanketed by thick cloud cover so I chose to use the “Moody Blue” formula of a cool WB 4000K and use the Nikon Warming Gels over each of the SB-900 Speedlights. This combination adds a cool blue tone to the clouds and the far end of the Velodrome, while a warm shaft of Speedlight illuminates my athletes. Nikon D3s, ISO1600, 1/500 at f10, Nikon 14-24mm, WB 4000K, 6 SB-900 Speedlights each with a Warming Gel, 2 FourSquares, 2 Lightstands, Radio Popper PX system, MBD Fiber Optic Bundles, Nikon SU-800 Commander. There is a FourSquare with 4 Speedlights aimed at the line of cyclists, and there is 1 FourSquare with 2 Speedlights aimed at the near rider. |
Image #11 Sunset Points … On another evening the sunset was magnificent and so I used the warming gels again but this time to match the color of the warm toned sunset clouds. For this image my assistant Brad is standing along the top of the bank were spectators can view the races. He has the EightSquare supported with a Gitzo Monopod. The EightSquare utilizes 2 FourSquares blocks connected together to form 1 block that holds 8 Speedlights. With the sun just below the horizon the clouds lit up with brilliant sunset color. I matched that mood with 8 Speedlights each with a Warming Gel to make a shaft of warm light across the track. Nikon D3s, ISO2000, 1/2000 at f5.6, Nikon 24-70mm lens, WB 7140K, 4 SB-900 Speedlights, FourSquare, Radio Popper PX system, MBD Fiber Optic Bundles, Nikon SU-800 Commander. |
Image #12 Bankers … This image was made late in the day as the sunshine had just gone behind some clouds. The ambient light was still strong and so I used the EightSquare with 8 SB-900 Speedlights attached to a Gitzo Monopod via the Hand Grip. Brad follows the athletes around turn #3. This “following” with the EightSquare by Brad will allow me to make a picture at any moment as the cyclists’ race through the 3rd turn. Nikon D3s, ISO4000, 1/1600 at f13, Nikon 600mm lens, WB 5560K, 8 SB-900 Speedlights, EightSquare, Radio Popper PX system, MBD Fiber Optic Bundles, Nikon SU-800 Commander. |

Image #13 Shaft Light … One evening of racing featured several athletes attempting to break exciting track distance records. I have always enjoyed images where a single shaft of warm light illuminates my subject so I underexposed the available ambient light of the Velodrome by –2 and 2/3 stops. Brad aimed the FourSquare with 4 SB-900 Speedlights diagonally across the track to create the shaft of Speedlight. Nikon D3s, ISO2000, 1/2000 at f5.6, Nikon 24-70mm lens, WB 6670K, 4 SB-900 Speedlights each with a Warming Gel, FourSquare with Hand Grip, Radio Popper PX, MBD Fiber Optic Bundles, Nikon SU-800 Speedlights. Even though it is 9:00pm I was still able to see some color in the sky thanks to the D3s High ISO capabilities. |
Image #14 Olympic Light … By using 2 FourSquare Blocks on 2 lightstands and mounting 2 Speedlights to each FourSquare I could throw 2 individual shafts of light across the track. The lightstands are separated from each other by about 20 feet. For this race I placed the 2 lightstands between turn #1 and turn #2 and illuminated the Olympic Rings logo and each competitor as they raced by. Nikon D3s, ISO2000, 1/640 at f8, Nikon 70-200mm VR II zoom lens, WB 5260K, 6 SB-900 Speedlights each with a Warming Gel, Radio Popper PX system, MBD Fiber Optic Bundles, Nikon SU-800 Commander. |
Image #15 Pursuitest … Sports action does not always need to be a frozen moment. At some point during each evening of racing I would lower my shutter speed and “pan” with the racers to illustrate the speeds they achieve. In addition to this I would use Rear Curtain Sync and add some Speedlight so as to freeze some of the action. Nikon D3s, ISO100, 1/20 at f22, Nikon 24-70mm lens, WB 6670K, 4 SB-900 Speedlights, 2 FourSquares positioned opposite each other in a Cross Light configuration. The 1 FourSquare is across the track and up in the seating area while the other FourSquare about 15 feet away from the athlete just to my left, Radio Popper PX system, MBD Fiber Optic Bundles, Nikon SU-800 Commander. |
Image #16A Multiple Light Shafts set-up … I experimented with a variety of lighting set-ups each time I went out to the Velodrome. Here is a multiple light arrangement that creates 3 shafts of light across the track. This Triple Speedlight set-up is used for this image and for Image #16B. |
Image #16B Light Rider … Here is the resulting image using the previous Triple Speedlight Set-up, a slow shutter speed of 1/10, and shooting technique that is called a “Snap Zoom.” A Snap Zoom is when the photographer zooms out quickly during a slow shutter speed. It looks like an explosion but thanks to the Speedlights my athlete is partially frozen and easily defined. Nikon D3s, ISO1000, 1/6 at f18, Nikon 70-200mm VR II lens with TC14E 1.4x Teleconverter, WB 6670K, 3 SB-900 Speedlights, 3 FourSquare Blocks, 3 Lightstands, Radio Popper PX system, Nikon SU-800 Commander. I like this image because it has an almost angelic light quality. |