Hi and welcome to the February edition of Workshop at the Ranch. The vast majority of emails I received during 2003 revolved around ARENA LIGHTING with SPORT STROBES. I have included some rough diagrams illustrating approximate strobe locations. I use the Elinchrom 1000r Sport Strobe that is distributed by Bogan. There are a variety of Sport Strobes on the market, but I like the Elinchrom’s as the are lightweight, powerful, and most important, they have a very FAST FLASH DURATION. My 1000r units are older, but I believe Bogan distributes newer versions of Elinchrom sport strobes in the 600 and 1200 Sport Strobes. I also use Pocket Wizzard Multi Max Transceivers distributed by Mamiya (I have not used hard wire for a number of years.) The Multi Max’s are wireless and reliable. You might want to scroll back to the February2003 Workshop at the Ranch as it also deals exclusively with Arena Lighting and Strobes with more images and diagrams.
Hi and welcome to the February edition of Workshop at the Ranch. The vast majority of emails I received during 2003 revolved around ARENA LIGHTING with SPORT STROBES. I have included some rough diagrams illustrating approximate strobe locations. I use the Elinchrom 1000r Sport Strobe that is distributed by Bogan. There are a variety of Sport Strobes on the market, but I like the Elinchrom’s as the are lightweight, powerful, and most important, they have a very FAST FLASH DURATION. My 1000r units are older, but I believe Bogan distributes newer versions of Elinchrom sport strobes in the 600 and 1200 Sport Strobes. I also use Pocket Wizzard Multi Max Transceivers distributed by Mamiya (I have not used hard wire for a number of years.) The Multi Max’s are wireless and reliable. You might want to scroll back to the February2003 Workshop at the Ranch as it also deals exclusively with Arena Lighting and Strobes with more images and diagrams.
This is a standard 4 strobe set up. The strobes are located in the catwalks that are above the pool. I only light 1/3 of the pool. The 2/3 of the pool that has no strobes is of course dark. From deck level you can see how the swimmer is lit and the background fades to black. This is a nice effect that illuminates the splashing water. Remember, the light is evenly spread across only 1/3 of the pool. Strobes are set at 1/2 power for faster recycle time (1 second recycle) and a sport reflector is used. Nikon D2H, ISO200, Nikon 500mm lens, 250 sinc at f7.1
Swimming again but I wanted a different ” look “. I positioned the strobes closer together on the catwalk so that only 1/5 of the pool is lit. I was only going to shoot swimmers turning and pushing off the wall so I concentrated all the light in this narrow area. I wanted some dramatic lighting so I pointed strobes #1 and #2 straight down at lane #2 and set them at 3/4 power. Strobes #3 and #4 are pointed straight down at Lane #9 and are set on 1/4 power. My Swimmer is in lane #5, not in direct line of the light. The uneven lighting directed straight down at the outer lanes tends to allow light to spill across the swimmer and create interesting shapes and colors. In this image even the goggles took on an abstract look and color. NikonD2H,ISO200, f8, 70-200mm VR Lens, with TC-14E 1.4X Teleconverter.
Weightlifting. This is a set up portrait/action image. Sport strobes were used because the athlete, Olympic Gold Medalist Tara Nott, was performing a variety of lifts. The fast action of the clean and jerk required the FAST Flash Duration that the Elinchrom sport strobes offer. Strobe#1 was set directly in front of the athlete while strobe#2 was set behind and to the athletes left in order to rim light her hair and back. Strobe#3 was behind and directed at the weight. All strobes had a 20% grid attached to the reflector to create a dramatic effect. NikonD1, ISO200, Nikon 80-200mm lens. Bogan Lightstands, Elinchrom 1000r strobes, with 20% grids.
Ice Hockey action on the glass is usually an after thought by the photographer, a ” Grab Shot “. I set the strobes specifically for this shot and enjoyed the game. My hope was that a good crash into the glass would occur were I was positioned. I chose the WORST glass in the rink. Plenty of gashes, scrapes, and scratches. I side/back lit the glass with strobes #1 and #3 ( 1/4 power on #1 and 1/2 power on #3 ). Then at Full Power strobe#2 from directly behind ( it is visible in the image ) These angles of light would light up every scratch and scrape on the glass so as to emphasize the rough sport of Ice Hockey I shot only 4 frames the entire game with these strobes and a NikonD2H, ISO200 with a Nikon 12-24mm lens at f8. I really like this image. It is unique. All strobes were positioned in the arena catwalks with Bogan Super Clamps. Polished long throw 30% reflectors were used with the Elinchrom 1000r strobes. I wore a black hat, coat and gloves to keep from being reflected in the glass.
Waterpolo is a terrific sport to photograph. Most pictures are of athletes splashing and fighting for the ball but this time I set the strobes in positions that left the athlete in a 1/2 silhouette against the beautiful color of the water. I watched the team practice and realized that they warmed up with passing drills. They always went to the same area of the pool to do these drills. So on the third day I set my lights accordingly. Strobe#1 lit the area were the top player of the team practiced her passing drills. Strobes#2 and #4 lit a shaft of light across the water behind her. Strobe#3 lit the upper right corner of the frame to give the image balance. Strobes 1,2,and 4 were set at 1/2 power while strobe3 was 1/4 power. Nikon D2H, ISO200, Nikon 300mm 2.8 lens with TC-14E 1.4X Teleconverter. Pistol Grip (no monopod)
I hope these examples/diagrams help those of you using strobes and those of you who are thinking about getting some understand more about setting them up with a style of image in mind. The standard 4 lights in each corner is great for the sports/news but sometimes I want to make an interesting image with style and grace. For those thinking about purchasing sport strobes I purchase my equipment from Roberts Distributors in Indianapolis, 800-726-5544, ask for JODY GROBER. I believe Roberts has something called a ” Corner Kit ” (Strobe,Reflector,Clamp,etc. in a ready to-go package). Questions are always welcome. See you next time at Workshop at the Ranch. Adios, Dave