Hi and welcome to this edition of Workshop at the Ranch. Don’t let the shortness of this Year in Review hold you back from reading all the way to the “Adios.” My recap of the year 2011 is brief by design as most of this article is a preview of 2012 and announces some future news that should bring a smile to any regular reader of Workshop at the Ranch. First, let’s take a quick look at what we covered in this years articles.
Image #1 … Lightpainting Series … I poured a great deal of effort into the 8 month in-depth series on how to do Lightpainting. This multiple-month tutorial was received with great reviews. I received an overwhelming number of emails applauding the series and numerous emails encouraging me to continue the series beyond the 8 editions. Well, that encouragement has remained vivid in my mind and I have begun writing a Lightpainting instructional book. It is my goal to bring some debut copies to PhotoShop World 2012 in Washington D.C. While this year’s series of articles will be the springboard for the book I plan on elaborating on even further, including a detailed chapter with images and information on the flashlights, spotlights, snoots, grids, gels, and lens extension tubes that I use for making my Lightpaintings. Of course, plenty of additional new Lightpaintings will be added along with step-by-step instructions and in-depth commentary on each image. We are expecting a cold and snowy winter here in the Rocky Mountains, therefore I’m confident that when I surface from Old Man Winter’s grip in the Spring, there will be a new book on Lightpainting available for you.
Image #2 … The Mentor Series … I taught at a variety of workshops this year. All were very enjoyable, but the Mentor Series Trek to Switzerland was a favorite. My calendar is already inked with several workshops, seminars, and treks. I will once again be teaching for the Mentor Series beginning in Tucson www.mentorseries.com , March 30- April 1. This will be a Master Class catering to location lighting with off camera Speedlights. A bit of a new direction for the Mentor Series in that it is for photographers who already have a grasp of off camera flash photography. The goal of fellow Mentors Lucas Gilman and David Tejada is for the class to progress rapidly onto advance location lighting techniques. I will also be making a return to the Sports Shooter Academy April 25-29 www.sportsshooteracademy.com . It is always a great honor to work with Robert Hanashiro and his team of top shelf instructors as they incorporate several live sporting events as the practical classroom. I will also be joining a new group called The Digital Photo Workshops www.thedigitalphotoworkshops.com . Director Jeff Leimbach has assembled a great program and has asked me to teach Lightpainting at each of the 3 workshops that I’m scheduled for. I will also be involved as both a pre-con teacher and presenter at PhotoShop World 2012 in both Washington D.C. March 23-26 www.napp365.com and Las Vegas in September (TBA). The PhotoShop World extravaganza reminds me of the best that summer camp offers combined with the Super Bowl! It is the most exciting, educational, and inspiring event I have ever been involved with and I am already looking forward to PSW 2012. |
Image #3 … KelbyOne … Becoming an educator with KelbyOne www.kelbyone.com this past year has perhaps been the most significant addition to my teaching direction in a long, long time. My first online training class is being received very well by thousands of KelbyOne members. I’m psyched so many photographers are learning from it. My second online training class teaching Lightpainting has just been posted and is already on its way to being very popular as well. Working with Scott Kelby and his crew in Florida has been like having a shot of adrenaline in my already highly enthusiastic attitude. I always strive to be on my “A” game when I teach, but with Kelby I feel like I’m on track to a “AAA+.” I am already looking forward to a great year of online video teaching, especially since we just completed my 3rd training video were Scott joined me on the sidelines of a football game for an in-depth game coverage class. Can’t wait for the video crew to complete the editing and post it in the Kelby online Training classes.
Image #4 … The New Look … Yes, after ten years my website is finally undergoing an extreme makeover. The “New Look” will debut January 1, 2012. My long time friend and I.T. genius, Eric Murphy of 2 Doors Design www.2doors.com and I are putting our collective creative minds together to streamline the look and give you, the viewer, what you have requested for years… BIG PICTURES! With the newly designed website, any image you “click” on will enlarge to a large screen size. It’s a good thing too as I’m tired of leaning in and squinting. Workshop at the Ranch and all the past articles beginning in 2003 will lead off the website categories. Next in the lineup will be my Sports Image Portfolio, followed by my Creative Lighting Portfolio. New design, More Images, and Beautiful Enlargements with each picture you “click” on. This is very exciting for me and I hope you all come visit the New www.daveblackphotography.com January 1, 2012. |
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Because of the website redesign process my website will “Go Dark” and not be available for viewing from December 26-31. The redesigned website with the New Look will debut on January 1, 2012.
Well, another year has come and gone. I hope all of you have had a great year of picture making and that Workshop at the Ranch has been a help to you. 2012 promises to be a great year as well and with the newly designed website debuting January 1, I hope to see many of you return each and every month for more learning on a variety of photographic subjects.
Have a wonderful Christmas season and I will see you January 1, 2012 here on Workshop at the Ranch.
Adios. Dave